The campus map shows locations of all rooms.

The exam is closed note, except for:

Topics Covered

The exam will cover all topics from lecture up to and including Thursday, 8/6:

You should be prepared to answer questions that relate closely to the projects and homework assignments (not including challenge problems). You should also know how to draw an environment diagram by hand.


The best way to study for the midterm is to do as many practice problems as you can. The course staff has put together the following resources:

The TAs will be holding topic-based sections on Tuesday (8/11) and Wednesday (8/12) (we will post more details on Piazza). In addition, there will be a CSM review session on Tuesday (8/11) from 5 pm - 8 pm.

Make-Up Exam

You should have already filled out the Alternate exam request. If you are a DSP student, you should have already been contacted by Jessica Gu.