Diagnostics are meant for you to check your understanding of the week's material. They are not worth any points and are not counted towards midterm recovery points; instead, diagnostics are solely for your benefit. If you find yourself struggling with the questions in this diagnostic, consider signing up for Tutoring.


Question 1

Implement equal-answer, which takes two single-argument procedures f1 and f2 and returns a procedure that takes one argument x. This returned procedure will return true (#t) if f1 and f2 return equal values when called on argument x and false (#f) otherwise.

Assume that the input procedures f1 and f2 always take and return numbers. Test for equality using the = procedure.

(define (equal-answer f1 f2)
(lambda (x) (= (f1 x) (f2 x)))
) ;;; Tests ; (add-two 2) evaluates to 4, (square 2) also evaluates to 4 ((equal-answer add-two square) 2) ; expect True ; (add-two 3) evaluates to 5, (square 3) instead evaluates to 9 ((equal-answer add-two square) 3) ; expect False
((equal-answer (lambda (x) (* 5 x)) square) 5) ; expect True ((equal-answer (lambda (x) (* 5 x)) square) 1) ; expect False ((equal-answer (lambda (x) x) square) 1) ; expect True ((equal-answer square (lambda (x) x)) 1) ; expect True ((equal-answer (lambda (x) x) square) 5) ; expect False ((equal-answer square (lambda (x) x)) 5) ; expect False ((equal-answer (lambda (x) (/ x 1)) (lambda (x) x)) -1) ; expect True

Question 2: all-satisfies

Implement a function (all-satisfies lst pred) that returns True if all of the elements in lst satisfy pred.

(define (all-satisfies lst pred)
(if (null? lst) True (and (pred (car lst)) (all-satisfies (cdr lst) pred)))
) ;;; Tests (all-satisfies nil even?) ; expect True (all-satisfies '(2 4 6) even?) ; expect True (all-satisfies '(2 3 6) even?) ; expect False (all-satisfies '((1 2) (3 4 5) (6)) pair?) ; expect True

Question 3: Remove

Implement a function remove that takes in a list and returns a new list with all instances of item removed from lst.

(define (remove item lst)
(cond ((null? lst) '()) ((equal? item (car lst)) (remove item (cdr lst))) (else (cons (car lst) (remove item (cdr lst)))))
) ;;; Tests (remove 3 nil) ; expect () (remove 3 '(1 3 5)) ; expect (1 5) (remove 5 '(5 3 5 5 1 4 5 4)) ; expect (3 1 4 4)

Question 4

Implement num-adjacent-matches, which takes as input a list of numbers s and returns the number of adjacent elements that are equal.

(define (num-adjacent-matches s)
(if (or (null? s) (null? (cdr s))) 0 (+ (num-adjacent-matches (cdr s)) (if (= (car s) (cadr s)) 1 0)))
) ;;; Tests ; no pairs (num-adjacent-matches '(1 2 3 4)) ; expect 0 ; one pair of 1's (num-adjacent-matches '(1 1 2 3)) ; expect 1 ; one pair of 1's, one pair of 2's (num-adjacent-matches '(1 1 2 2)) ; expect 2 ; three pairs of 1's (num-adjacent-matches '(1 1 1 1)) ; expect 3 (num-adjacent-matches '(6 6 6 1 6 1)) ; expect 2
(num-adjacent-matches '(6)) ; expect 0 (num-adjacent-matches '(6 1)) ; expect 0 (num-adjacent-matches '(6 1 6 1 6 1)) ; expect 0 (num-adjacent-matches '(6 6)) ; expect 1 (num-adjacent-matches '(6 6 6 1 6 1)) ; expect 2 (num-adjacent-matches '(0 1 6 6 6 1)) ; expect 2 (num-adjacent-matches '(4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1)) ; expect 4

Our base cases are when our input list s is too short to have any adjacent matches. We call num-adjacent-matches recursively on (cdr s) to count the adjacent matches in the rest of the list s, then add 0 or 1 depending on whether the first and second elements of s are equal.

Question 5

Implement how-many-dots, which takes in a nested scheme list s and returns the number of dots that appear when it is displayed by the interpreter (not counting decimal points). You may assume that s is a nested list that contains only numbers.

Hints: A dot appears when the second element of a pair is not a well formed list. The procedures pair?, null?, and number? test whether a value is a pair, nil, or a number, respectively.

(define (how-many-dots s)
(if (not (pair? s)) 0 (+ (if (and (not (pair? (cdr s))) (not (null? (cdr s)))) 1 0) (how-many-dots (car s)) (how-many-dots (cdr s)))
) ;;; Tests (how-many-dots '(1 2 3)) ; expect 0 (how-many-dots '(1 2 . 3)) ; expect 1 (how-many-dots '((1 . 2) 3 . 4)) ; expect 2 (how-many-dots '((((((1 . 2) . 3) . 4) . 5) . 6) . 7)) ; expect 6 (how-many-dots '(1 . (2 . (3 . (4 . (5 . (6 . (7))))))) ; expect 0

Question 6

Write a procedure substitute that takes three arguments: a list s, an old word, and a new word. It returns a list with the elements of s, but with every occurrence of old replaced by new, even within sub-lists.

(define (substitute s old new)
(cond ((null? s) nil) ((pair? (car s)) (cons (substitute (car s) old new) (substitute (cdr s) old new))) ((= (car s) old) (cons new (substitute (cdr s) old new))) (else (cons (car s) (substitute (cdr s) old new))))
) ;;; Tests (substitute '(romeo romeo wherefore art thou romeo) 'romeo 'paris) ; expect (paris paris wherefore art thou paris) (substitute '((to be) or not (to (be))) 'be 'eat) ; expect ((to eat) or not (to (eat))) (substitute '(a b (c) d e) 'foo 'bar) ; expect (a b (c) d e)


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