Diagnostics are meant for you to check your understanding of the week's material. They are not worth any points and are not counted towards midterm recovery points; instead, diagnostics are solely for your benefit. If you find yourself struggling with the questions in this diagnostic, consider signing up for Tutoring.

Lists, Sequences, and Dictionaries

Question 1

Define if_this_not_that, which takes a list of integers i_list, and an integer this, and for each element in i_list if the element is larger than this then print the element, otherwise print that.

def if_this_not_that(i_list, this):
    >>> original_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    >>> if_this_not_that(original_list, 3)
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
for elem in i_list: if elem <= this: print("that") else: print(elem)

Question 2: Group

Write a recursive function that divides an input sequence into a list of smaller sequences that each contain 4 or 5 elements from the original sequence. For example, an input sequence of 14 elements should be divided into sequences of 4, 5, and 5 elements. Use as few 5-element sequences as necessary in the result, and all 5-element sequences should be at the end. Finally, preserve the relative ordering of elements from the original sequence.

Hint: You may assume that the input sequence has length at least 12. Think carefully about how many base cases you need, and what they should be.

def group(seq):
    """Divide a sequence of at least 12 elements into groups of 4 or
    5. Groups of 5 will be at the end. Returns a list of sequences, each
    corresponding to a group.

    >>> group(range(14))
    [range(0, 4), range(4, 9), range(9, 14)]
    >>> group(list(range(17)))
    [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 13, 14, 15, 16]]
    num = len(seq)
    assert num >= 12
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
if num == 12 or num == 13: return [seq[:4], seq[4:8], seq[8:]] elif num == 14: return [seq[:4], seq[4:9], seq[9:]] elif num == 15: return [seq[:5], seq[5:10], seq[10:]] return [seq[:4]] + group(seq[4:])

Question 3: Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks for the following lines so that each expression evaluates to the expected output:

>>> apply_to_all(_______, [1, 3, -1, -4, 2])
[1, 1, -1, -1, 1]
>>> keep_if(______, [1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42])
[1, 14, 28, 42]
>>> reduce(_______, _______, '')
>>> reduce(______, apply_to_all(______, 'nnnnn'), __) + ' batman!'
'nanananana batman!'
  • apply_to_all(lambda x: x // abs(x), [1, 3, -1, -4, 2])
  • keep_if(lambda x: x // 7 % 2 == 0, [1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42])
  • reduce(lambda x, y: y + x, 'hello', '')
  • reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, apply_to_all(lambda s: s + 'a', 'nnnnn'), '') + ' batman!'

Question 4: Replace All

Given a dictionary d, replace all occurences of x as a value (not a key) with y.

def replace_all(d, x, y):
    >>> d = {'foo': 2, 'bar': 3, 'garply': 3, 'xyzzy': 99}
    >>> replace_all(d, 3, 'poof')

    >>> d == {'foo': 2, 'bar': 'poof', 'garply': 'poof', 'xyzzy': 99}
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
for key in d: if d[key] == x: d[key] = y

Linked Lists

Question 5: Filter

Implement a filter function for linked lists. Remember, recursion is your friend!

def filter_link(predicate, r):
    """ Returns a link only containing elements in r that satisfy

    >>> r = link(25, link(5, link(50, link(49, empty)))))
    >>> new = filter_link(lambda x : x % 2 == 0, r))
    >>> first(new)
    >>> rest(new) == empty_link
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
if r == empty: return r elif predicate(first(r)): return link(first(r), filter_link(predicate, rest(r))) else: return filter_link(predicate, rest(r))

Question 6

Write iterative and recursive functions that reverse a given linked list, producing a new linked list with the elements in reverse order. Use only the link constructor and first and rest selectors to manipulate linked lists. (You may write and use helper functions.)

def reverse_iterative(s):
    """Return a reversed version of a linked list s.

    >>> primes = link(2, link(3, link(5, link(7, empty))))
    >>> reverse_iterative(primes)
    (7, (5, (3, (2, None))))
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
rev_list = empty while s != empty: rev_list = link(first(s), rev_list) s = rest(s) return rev_list
def reverse_recursive(s): """Return a reversed version of a linked list s. >>> primes = link(2, link(3, link(5, link(7, empty)))) >>> reverse_recursive(primes) (7, (5, (3, (2, None)))) """
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
return reverse_helper(s, empty) def reverse_helper(s, tail): if s == empty: return tail return reverse_helper(rest(s), link(first(s), tail))